School Activities
As a school, in our relentless pursuit of excellence, we are continuously looking to improve the experience that students receive whilst they are here. We truly want Glebelands to be a school where every student can enjoy activities that are not just focussed on the academic and have come up with a plan. It’s called Thrive.
Thrive is on Wednesdays. We tweak the school day so that academic learning finishes at 2.20pm meaning that from then, every student in Glebelands will partake in an enrichment activity of their choosing which will finish before 3.15pm - the end of our normal school day. Thrive will occur during the first half term in Autumn Term and then return for the whole Summer Term.
Thrive is a six-week enrichment programme with around 40 different options outlined in a booklet. On top of Thrive, we will still be running our usual enrichment programme. PE will still be running their after-school clubs and fixtures details of which can be found on the school website. Current extra-curricular activities such as Lego Robotics, Duke of Edinburgh, Homework Club, Drama, Music and Latin continue to run after school and our academic programme, whereby we spend some sessions after school helping students catch up if they are behind, will also continue unabated.
In addition to this we have weekly sports, music and drama clubs. The club timetable is attached below.