Vision & Strategy
Our vision is that curriculum at Glebelands has a clear intent to challenge aspirations, create opportunities to thrive and open minds. Will be a school which is committed to providing a curriculum that is broad, balanced, challenging and fosters a love of learning. We value the contribution that creative, practical and vocational learning brings to a child’s development alongside the traditional subjects. Every child who leaves Glebelands will have the qualifications, skills, knowledge and character to access aspirational Post-16 opportunities and to lead a life that includes positive relationships, resilience and financial independence.
The key strategic intentions (SIs) set by the governing body reflect the attitude that permeates the school.
1 – Minimise in school variation in teacher quality through a clear framework of the ‘Glebelands Way’ which leads to consistent high quality learning.
2 – Provide a broad, deep and challenging curriculum using individual pathways that meet the needs of all students.
3 – Employ and retain well qualified, knowledgeable and skilled enthusiastic staff who will inspire and support students to reach their individual potential.
4 – Provide and deliver an effective CPD programme which develops and supports staff to be leading practitioners in their subjects.
5 – Every student makes exceptional progress evidenced by all departments’ results being in the top 5% nationally with minimal group variation.
6 – The school has a very strong reputation in the community with all students in the main feeder schools choosing Glebelands as their school of choice.
7 – Provide additional opportunities outside the classroom so that all our students have access to a wide variety of activities outside the scope of the regular curriculum.
8 – Improve our facilities year-on-year to provide the best resources that support teaching, learning, opportunities and the community.
9 – Ensure our financial position optimises income opportunities so that we can implement the strategic direction of the school to enhance curriculum, staff development and improve facilities.